Oxyfluorfen 23.5% E.C.

Dosage- 10 ml to 15 ml per 15 for spray pump OR
100 ml to 150 ml in 200 ml water per acre.
Features & benefits-
* It is a herbicide of the diphenyl-ether group used for selective weed control in a wide range of fruit trees, vegetables, field crops, ornamentals, forestry, sugarcane and non-crop areas.
* It controls a wide spectrum of annual broad leaf and grass weeds.
* It used in pre-plant, pre-emergence and post-emergence applications.
* It has prolonged residual activity and shows negligible leaching. Minimal rain or irrigation is necessary to activate the residual effect.
* It can be used with Pendimethalin.
* It is a selective herbicide.
* It controls many annual broad-leaf weeds, some grasses and provides suppression of some perennials.
* Low concern for persistence or carry-over in soil (Half-life in soil is approximately 30-40 days).